'Immortelle' at MO.CO. in Montpellier
To set the ball rolling, here's quite a long quotation from the English-language version of the leaflet handed out at the entrance to Immortelle , a big new exhibition at MO.CO. in Montpellier, subtitled 'Vitality of young French figurative painting': I might as well get it down on paper straight off, so as to avoid any misunderstandings: Immortelle (Immortal) is a combat exhibition. The point is to affirm a simple truth in all its ramifications: painting is immortal. So it’s just as pointless to rejoice about its return, or to regret it, as it would be to ramble on about the death of literature or music. This assertion is accompanied by solidly grounded convictions. No, the ‘Retinal painting’ reviled by Marcel Duchamp has never stopped producing masterpieces. No, figurative painting is not reactionary and backward-looking. No, France is not a country outside of history – the history that Germany, the United States and the emerging countries have never left behind – wher...