Anna Uddenberg: an interesting new development

Anna Uddenberg is a Swedish artist whose work has, I think, something quite original, distinctive and perceptive to say about the image of women in certain, specific currents of consumer culture that might otherwise be overlooked. I hadn't seen much of her recently, but she now has an exhibition, at her Berlin Gallery, Kraupa-Tuskany Zeidler (or K-T Z), of totally new works focusing, this time, not on women but on men. The resulting woodcarvings are an interesting and quite surprising development, and add to what seems to be almost a 'fashion' for reliefs in art at the moment.

This is the link to the new exhibition, 'Big Baby', at K-T Z.

This is the link to a video about the new work, on Vimeo, but the video is also on the gallery website.

This is the direct link to the page about Anna Uddenberg on the gallery site.

The following are some photos of Anna Uddenberg's new and previous work, 'borrowed' from K-T Z.


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