Art fair time again, October 2023: 2 - Paris+ by Art Basel


In January 2022 it was announced that the FIAC, Paris's main international art fair for 47 years, had lost its 'slot' at the Grand Palais and would be replaced by Paris+ par Art Basel. One consequence of this, no doubt unnoticed by most but of direct interest to me, is that any Iranian galleries formerly at the FIAC can no longer participate: for fear of US sanctions, Art Basel's bank won't have them. But the gallery selection must have changed more widely, as (probably one example of several) I came across Gaga, who used to be at the FIAC as well, at Paris Internationale.

The first 'edition' of the new fair, in October last year, was said to be quite a success, but I missed it, having mistimed my return from Greece. This year I was more careful about the dates, and was able to attend. I find, however, I don't have much to say. I had a good stroll round, but wasn't blown off my feet. Art Basel in Basel is more extensive and more spectacular. And I suppose if this year Paris Internationale lacks 'edge', you can't expect the more 'bourgeois' Paris+ to have it. But finding Gaëlle Choisne on show at Air de Paris' booth was a nice surprise. And it's said Paris+, once back in the real Grand Palais, not the temporary Grand Palais Ephémère, will pull out all the stops and make London a backwater...

The first photos are from the main section of the fair, where the big, expensive galleries, and 20th century classics (such as the inevitable Poliakovs and Dubuffets) as well as contemporary art, are. After, I'll post a few from the 'younger galleries' section, where I feel more at home.

And now, a few pictures from the 'younger' and mostly less expensive part of the show, including new works by Rayan Yasmineh, Daniel Otero, Jean Claracq, Zhou Siwei and Ittah Yoda.


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